How we solve the problem of traffic in our cities? The UrbanWorks Institute (UWI) conducted a study to assess the need and effectiveness of congestion pricing in Greater Mumbai as a Travel Demand Management (TDM) measure alongside other TDM measures, providing a roadmap for its implementation.
Traffic congestion has become an all-too-familiar headache in our bustling urban landscapes. With limited road space and ever-increasing travel demands, it’s time to explore innovative solutions. One such tool making waves in urban planning is congestion pricing. Let’s dive into this fascinating concept and discover how it can transform our cities.
What is Congestion Pricing?
Congestion pricing is a game-changing approach that tackles traffic congestion head-on. It aims to deter vehicles from congested roads by charging a fee for road use, thereby easing traffic flow. It’s not about recovering infrastructure costs; rather, it optimizes the use of existing road networks.
Mumbai Congestion Pricing Study Report
This study, conducted by UrbanWorks, aims to assess the need and effectiveness of congestion pricing in Greater Mumbai as a Travel Demand Management (TDM) measure alongside other TDM measures and provides a roadmap for its implementation. Here is what you will find in this report.
Measures to reduce traffic congestion
- What are the different measures to reduce the use of private motor vehicles?
- What is the role of congestion pricing and how does it complement the other measures?
- What other complementary measures are required for the success of congestion pricing?
Congestion Pricing Basics
- What are the different types of congestion pricing?
- How did cities worldwide implemented congestion pricing and what was the impact?
The Context of Greater Mumbai
- Which parts of the city are severely congested and by which travel modes?
- What is the current status of public transport in Mumbai?
Planning for Congestion Pricing in Mumbai
- Where in Mumbai can we implement congestion pricing, and of which type?
- How can we phase the implementation of congestion pricing?
Pricing Structure for Congestion Charging in Mumbai
- How will people respond to congestion pricing?
- What is the relationship between user fees and traffic reduction?
- What should be the fee structure in Mumbai?
- When and how to revised the fee?
Technology for Congestion Pricing in Mumbai
- What technology options exist for charging vehicle use and detecting violations?
- Which options are most appropriate in the Indian context for easy implementation and seamless operation?
Socio-economic Cost-benefit Analysis
- How much does it cost to implement congestion pricing? Is it financially viable?
- What are the other indirect costs and benefits?
- How does Mumbai stand to benefit from congestion pricing?
Implementing Congestion Pricing in Mumbai
- Whose support is required to implement congestion pricing?
- What are the means to garner support?
- How to overcome legal hurdles?
- Who should implement congestion pricing, and how?
- Which public institutions must be engaged?
- What is the role of the private sector?
- Which indicators should be measured to assess system impact

If you like this report, take a look at the ‘Congestion Pricing Basics: An Illustrated Toolkit‘ we’ve prepared for cities to use as a guide to develop their congestion pricing plans.
They say Congestion Pricing is a tough nut to crack. The alternative is endless traffic jams, wasted hours and wasted lives. What will you choose? Write to us about what you think at You can learn more about us and the causes we support by following us on LinkedIn and Twitter.